It Begins

This 18 day journey has begone.

This project is was for the Sim Jam (May 2020). The goal was to create a simulation with a theme of " A Matter of Degree."

I want to create a simulation of ants taken out of cold storage and placed in a petri dish. The player would take the role of the first ant to 'defrost' and would have to scout for danger, and collect food, as her sisters slowly warmed up. Each level would introduce a new unit, or obstacle for the player to work with/against.

For now I have this build (Alpha01). In this build I was creating and testing the basic movment for the player. inadvertently I realized this may be a good mobile game. (Its a point and click type game) I will have to plan around that and take advantage of it as I go. Its not a high priority for me, just an easy nice to have.

In the long term I want to have an opposing hive of ants appear in the petri dish, along with other insects. (Caterpillars, wasps, aphids, flees, spiders) Given that I only have 18 days we will have to see what I can do.

There are two features I want to add, but knowing the limited timeline I don't believe I will be able to add.

  1. When a player survives a level, all the ants in their hive can be carried over to the next level (eggs would hatch into larva between levels. larva to pupa, pupa to Adults) This would give some urgency to keeping the 'useless' units alive and well, instead of eating them right off the bat.
  2. A Rogue-like mode, where the Player's hive is a random assortment of ants (in type an age) and the food/opposing forces will be selected completely randomly. This will be physically easy to code, but keeping it random but balanced will prove to be difficult and time consuming.

Files Play in browser
May 01, 2020

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